

Dió - Zöldmáli Dió

Dió is our hairy, sometimes grumpy, but best dog ever! He was our first wirehaired vizsla, and he changed our lives in so many ways. At the end of our very first dove hunt he got into a wasps’ nest in Texas and they got him so bad that we almost lost him. I had to make a decision between saving his life or shaving him to be able to clean his wounds while also knowing that I will ruin his coat forever. It wasn’t a hard decision to make!  

He is a truly versatile dog; we hunt with him upland, duck and dove. He is very smart and independent on the field and a real snuggle bug inside.  

When our son was diagnosed with epilepsy in 2017, our lives changed. He was only having seizures at night, which made sleeping very difficult for me. I trained Dió to turn my son’s head when he was having a seizure so he wouldn’t choke on his own saliva. He is his certified service dog! And even though (knock on wood) our son hasn’t had a seizure for over 2 years now, Dió still sleeps with him and keeps him safe.